Automount NFS share by editing fstab file in centos /Rhel

For automounting NFS we have to /etc/fstab . The fstab file contains entries of partition to be auto mounted during linux system startup.please follow the video for
mounting nfs share automatically.

rsize - read size
wsize - write size
These two entries are used for bandwidth optimization 

Linux File Sharing Using NFS(nfs server configuration on centos/Rhel)

tion NFS stands for Network File System . NFS is a distributed file system protocol devoloped by sun microsystems at the year of 1984.Using nfs users can acces the shared data on other computers it also allows to automount the file system by adding entries to /etc/fstab. Auto mounting NFS topic we will discuss on our next video.NFS is built on open network computing remote procedure call (ONC RPC). NFS has total for versions starts from NFSV1 to NFSV4.The configration file for NETWORK FILE SYSTEM (NFS) is /etc/exports. We have to add entry for the directory which has to be shared.we can also define some acess controll For nfs by editing the file.Here i am going to give a small example for /etc/exports file

This means that the directory /user/shared is shared using nfs and only the client having  ip and subnet is permission to access the directory over nfs.we can change the ipaddress and subnet with a '*' symbol to allow access permission for all.

/user/shared  *(rw,sync)

and also we can change rw with ro for read only permission
showmount -e command will help to find which folders are shared on the server using nfs.the syntax is given below

 showmount -e

here is the ip of my nfs server.The nfs configuration of nfs server and how to mount the nfs share on the client is shown in below video


Secure linux system by using GRUB PASSWORD

oIt is very easy to change our root password when somebody get the physical acess to your system.
In order to protect your root password  we can protect your GRUB using a password.The Grub password
will restrict the physical user to enter to single user mode by editing the kernel parameter at the boot menu.
If grub password is set ,then it will prompt as password in order to edit the kernel parameters at the boot menu.
the following video will demonstrate you how to set grub password to your system



Here i am going to explain the basic configuration of selinux.Through theses steps you can easily administrate
your selinux policies. Here is the simple step of enabling and disabling policies of different application.

In the above video i am enabling the anonymous write for ftp .The first step is to get the Boolean . If you want
to enable something about nfs then you have to type the below command.
 getsebool -a |grep nfs    
for ftp
getsebool -a |grep ftp
 After that you can set the value for Boolean using setsebool command  .For example
setsebool allow_ftpd_anon_write on

The above command will enable anonymous Ftp write through selinux,but it will be a temporary and it will go
back to it initial stage after system restart .For permanent changes ucan use -p along with setsebool
setsebool -p allow_ftpd_anon_write on

These are the basics of selinux  .Thank you all

Installing ubuntu on windows partiton

It is very easy to install ubuntu on your windows partiton with out formatting it .what we have to do is
just put the cd to the windows machine and boot windows and open the drive.the video will take you
through the further step

23:33Anuroop Melarayil


It is very easy to set user permissions for a file in Linux.For setting the user permissions in Linux we use ACL.
ACL means access control list.For enabling user permissions in Linux we have to edit the file /etc/fstab and add
the entry acl.In the video ,for setting user permissions on my root (/) partition i have edited the fstab and
added a entry "acl". And remounted my root partition .It will enable user permissions on my root partition
.Then i created a file for test named "acltest" and given only execute permission for my user "testuser"
.Then i exited from my root shell and try to read and write the is giving a permission denied error because
the  permission set for test user is only execution.We can also list the permission using "getfacl" command
The syntax is

getfacl [filename]

NB: [ is not required



This our first video training on UNIX .I am directly going to the video.

11:09Anuroop Melarayil

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) Installation

Ubuntu is one of the popular Linux Distributions.The Latest version of Ubuntu is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS .Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) was released on 26 april 2012.Ubuntu 12.04 is fourth long term support version
from ubuntu.One of the main changes of ubuntu 12.04 LTS is its fast booting.Here I am going to Demostrate
how to Install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin).

04:23Anuroop Melarayil


Hp printers are coming in a lot of varieties. Hp printers are now common at any office are because they very
easy to manage and install. In windows Installation of hp printer will take less than one minute.But for Linux
Installing hp printers became a headache .Here i am providing you a video session which help to Install Hp
printers in linux with in two minutes.The first thing you need to do is just download the tar file from the below
Download Hp Laserjet Printer drivers

Then follow the steps in the video uploaded here .That's it.

Common Ftp Folder for all FTP users

As the requirement from some some of our blog user,i am forced to discuss about configuring
a common ftp folder for all users.The configuration file /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf  contains all
configuration of our we can configure the common ftp folder for all users by editing
this file. The below video will guide you to configure the common ftp folder for all users.


Root Password Recovery In Linux

Some time will all forget something ,its natural .Here i am going to demonstrate how to reset the 
root password in a Linux system with help of some screenshot .This screenshot shows how to break 
the root password in centos, the same trick will work in almost all Linux distribution like Redhat,Fedora,Ubuntu.Now we can start . The root password breaking process start from boot selection screen.The screenshot below shows a boot screen of centos
Root Password Recovery In Linux

Step 2. press "e" button on your keyboard to edit the line

Root Password Recovery In Linux

Step 3. please press "e" button on your keyboard once more

Root Password Recovery In Linux

Step 4. Type "single" or  "1" at the end of the line

Root Password Recovery In Linux

Step 5. press "Enter" Button on keyboard

Root Password Recovery In Linux

Step 6. Press "b" button on keyboard for booting the system .The system will boot into single mode as the below screen shot

Root Password Recovery In Linux

Step 7. Type command "passwd" and press Enter key

Root Password Recovery In Linux

Step 8. Now enter your new password and conform it

Root Password Recovery In Linux

Now  you will get the above screen it indicates that your root password is change .Now you can Reboot your system using "init 6"command and login with your new root password


Today we are going to configure Basic ftp server and enable ftp in selinux.It is very easy to configure
ftp server in Centos.the following video will guide you how to configure a ftp server and how to enable
ftp access in selinux .

Thanks for watching the video.In case of any doubt feel to keep comments


This video shows how to login as root directly via telnet.For we have to edit the configuration file
/etc/securetty and add the entry for terminal which we want to login as defualt TELNET,RSH etc.
will not allow root login . so please follow the steps in video for enabling root access.

Thanks for watching video

Assigning ip address to linux system

Video number three is for beginners and it is assaigning IP address for your linux system.
In this video i am showing you how to assign IP adress for your linux system by editing the
configuration file.the configuration file  of IP address resides in the directory  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 the last phrase eth0 may vary according to the number of nic used it may eth1 ,eth2 etc.
please see the video below for more details.

Thanks for watching the video


                        INSTALLATION OF LOCAL YUM SERVER



Please comment if you face any issues in configuring .

Blog Introduction

Dear friends ,
I am  here by introducing my  New blog.This blog is mainly for the Linux Beginners.
the main objective of this blog is Giving solution for Linux problems.In this Blog I am concentrating
On the Linux Distributions like Cantos,Red hat ,Fedora and Ubuntu.I suppose to add some Videos
of configuring various Roles on our Linux Desktop and server.I am starting with basic Installation of
Linux and we will move to advance topic slowly.Please feel free to Comment on the post and contacting
me in case of any doubt.Lets us start
01:28Anuroop Melarayil